GET PAID TO READ E-MAIL                                                                                                                                          Affiliate Programs Directory

An easy way to earn money on the internet is to get paid to read e-mail.

You literally cannot lose with these schemes - Basically you sign-up, check a number of boxes covering your interests, and start receiving paid e-mail. You are paid for either opening and reading or clicking on links provided in the e-mail.

There are two main types of scheme:

Those which send e-mails direct to your ISP mail account. There is little or no hassle in dealing with these e-mails, and clever use of the features within Outlook Express mean that you can manage them without even noticing.

Those which provide you with a web based mail box. The key difference with these schemes is that you have to go online to read your paid e-mails.

The top schemes are lsited below.

There is no reason why you should not sign up for them all!

SPAMANDCHIPS With a name like this we couldn't resist this one!

And to make it even better, it looks like a really good scheme (although we've only just joined so the 'jury is still out' to a certain extent).

It is a UK based scheme which pays you 'Chips' for reading e-mails sent direct to your normal e-mail account. The chips are converted into cash at a variable rate (depending on the clickthrough rates) and will be between 5p and £1.

You can also triple your earning power and get a free Virgin flight from London Heathrow or Stanstead to Brussels for every 5 friends you refer.

Just in case that isn't enough, all new members are entered into a monthly draw to win a Smartcar.

Too good to be true? It sounds it, but you've nothing to lose, so you may as well give it a go!

Click here to find out more or join...




This is a useful e-mail service offering valuable free information relating to your interests, business or hobby (according to your registered preferences).

You recieve 3 cents for each e-mail that you receive (direct to your ISP mail account) and 1 cent for those received by your referrals.

I know we keep saying this, but you have nothing to lose with this one! Just sign up and wait for the e-mails to arrive!

Click here to find out more or join...



This is a great (web based) paid e-mail scheme.

You get $0.05 for reading your mail, $0.03 for referrals reading their mail and $0.01 for indirect referrals. We have found the e-mails on this scheme very informative.

Click here to find out more or join...

SENDMOREINFO This is a good scheme which sends mail direct to your personal e-mail account.

You receive $0.05 for every e-mail that you receive from SendMoreInfo's advertisers, plus $0.02 for every e-mail that your refferals receive.

Click here to find out more or join...

ZWALLET This is another great (web based) paid e-mail scheme with which it is possible to receive up to $0.18 per e-mail.

Click here to find out more or join...


READCLICK With ReadClick you can get $0.025 up to $0.25 for one e-mail, plus money for up to four levels of referrals. You will receive a cheque when your earnings reach $50! Sign Up
Your e-mail:

MONEYFORMAIL This is a great scheme which sends mail direct to your personal e-mail account. Upon reading these messages and clicking on a simple link, it is possible to receive $0.2 to $2.50 per e-mail, plus 5% of the income of your referrals.

Click here to find out more or join...



This scheme sends e-mails direct to your ISP e-mail account. You get paid 10% of the advertising revenue generated by your personal actions (clicking on the links provided in the e-mails) and 5% of the actions of your entire referral group.

Confused? Well so are we, but we like the content of the e-mails and the fact that we are receiving an average of two e-mails per day from this scheme.

We'll keep you posted on the revenue potential!

Click here to find out more or join...